Bluetooth Trolltech Qtopia

Qtopia BlueZ Bluetooth GUI

Source Viewer - sourcebrowser.php

< Source Browser

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

  <TITLE>Qtopia BlueZ Bluetooth GUI - Source Browser</TITLE>
  <?php require("htmlhead.php"); ?>
<DIV id="Page">
<?php require("header.php"); ?>
<?php require("menu.php"); ?>
  <DIV id="Contents">
    <H2>Source Browser</H2>
      Below are all the source files that make up this web site.
      Feel free to use them if you think they are any good or send <U>constructive</U>
      criticisms if you think they are rubbish.
      if ($handle = opendir('.'))
        $firstline = true;
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
          if (strlen($file) > 4 && substr_compare($file,".php",strlen($file)-4,4,true) == 0)
            if ($firstline)
              echo "      <H3>PHP Pages &amp; Components</H3><P>";
              $firstline = false;
            echo "<A href=\"sourceviewer.php?file=$file\">$file</A><BR>";
        if (!$firstline) echo "</P>";
      if ($handle = opendir('.'))
        $firstline = true;
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
          if (strlen($file) > 4 && substr_compare($file,".css",strlen($file)-4,4,true) == 0)
            if ($firstline)
              echo "      <H3>Stylesheets</H3><P>";
              $firstline = false;
            echo "<A href=\"sourceviewer.php?file=$file\">$file</A><BR>";
        if (!$firstline) echo "</P>";
      if ($handle = opendir('.'))
        $firstline = true;
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
          if (strlen($file) > 5 && substr_compare($file,".html",strlen($file)-5,5,true) == 0)
            if ($firstline)
              echo "      <H3>Plain HTML Pages</H3><P>";
              $firstline = false;
            echo "<A href=\"sourceviewer.php?file=$file\">$file</A><BR>";
        if (!$firstline) echo "</P>";
<?php require("status.php");?>
<?php require("footer.php");?>
Page Last Updated: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000
Website Developed & Maintained By: tumnus_cp